If you find yourself with a schedule that makes the fall or winter months the best option to move, take heart! To be sure, there are challenges: shorter days, uncertain weather and holidays are three of them. But there are advantages, too, and we have some great tips to help you maximize such a transition.

You can benefit from seasonal pricing and scheduling. “Our heaviest moving period is in the summer, and it’s sometimes a challenge to accommodate requested time frames,” says owner Dan La May. “Even though we’ll need to schedule around the holidays, those who move in the fall or winter will likely have a more flexible supply-and-demand scenario. Just remember to check in with us about a week before the move, and again and a day or two before the move so we can reconfirm based on the weather.”

Organize and plan. No matter what time of year you’re moving, the more organized you are, the smoother the move will proceed. Make use of our checklists – they will help you plan when to handle certain tasks. Also…

  • Reduce and recycle! Sort and reduce what you plan to move with an eye toward not bringing anything into your new home or office that you no longer need. It’s much easier to part with unused or unwanted items before you make a move and will cut down on confusion as you are setting up your new place.
  • Clearly label all boxes and containers. Keep a master list of what’s in each one for yourself and mark each one so the movers know where to place them in the new location.
  • Make a plan for everything! Think through where you want everything to go in your new home or office. Consider what you need to take with you in your own vehicle, such as medications; changes of clothes and extra coats, gloves and hats; bedding for the first night; high-value or irreplaceable items; computers and other electronics and paperwork/documents that you’ll need to have handy, either for personal use or related to the move and the new location.
  • Know what cannot be moved. We can pack and move some cleaning supplies, but not liquids or sprays. And as movers cannot move paint and other hazardous materials, it’s important to make other arrangements if you wish to move them from one location to another.

Mind the snow, ice, salt and wet! Though we hope we’ll have a clear day for your move, in certain locations there may be the possibility of snow or ice. Fully clearing snow and salting walkways and driveways are the homeowner’s responsibility, and will help keep your move proceeding smoothly, safely and efficiently. If moving day is particularly snowy, you might try to check the local snowplow schedule to ensure you don’t end up with a bank of snow that must be cleared! It’s also important to protect your family and your floors, as melting ice and snow can be hazardous, and and harmful to your flooring. Regardless of the weather on the day of the move, we’ll provide floor protection.

  • While we’re talking about utilities… Be sure you have utilities turned on at the new location up to two days before moving day to ensure they’re in working order!
  • Board your pets. Making sure your pets are out of harm’s way and comfortable while the move is in progress is important. They’ll have plenty of time to explore the new home later!
  • Holiday options. If your move is occurring close to or over the holidays, you might be interested to know that many of our clients who moved at this time made a plan for a festive meal that didn’t require them setting up and cooking right away at the new location! It will reduce stress and ensure your enjoyment of your holiday. If you’re hoping to watch football on Thanksgiving and your move occurs close to that day, tell your mover, and point out the TV you’ll want to unload early in the process.  Clients also have told us they’ve planned on minimal decorating at their new homes when their move coincides with a holiday. They packed accordingly, and again, told their movers they wanted quick access to those containers so they were situated properly during unloading. Some even planned to celebrate the holidays away from home so they could focus on settling into the new location without interruption or distractions!

Manage expectations. We all want the best outcome for your move, but we can’t control the weather! So if there are adjustments or delays that arise, know that we are committed to your safety and the care of your belongings, so keeping a flexible mindset and minimizing risk is the best approach to a fall or winter move.